

威尼斯官网在线 (威尼斯官网在线) believes that service learning addresses recognized community needs and is connected to curriculum goals. All indirect, direct, and advocacy action include the phases of preparation, action, and reflection. Quality service learning provides the student with knowledge, 技能, 的态度, and career exploration opportunities that lead to effective citizenship in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world. 威尼斯官网在线 is committed to quality service-learning experiences for all students.

威尼斯官网在线 SSL程序详细信息

  1. 学生 may begin to earn student service learning (SSL) hours the summer after completing Grade 5. They continue to accrue hours through middle and high school.

  2. Beginning with the Class of 2011 威尼斯官网在线 students will complete 75 service-learning hours for graduation. 学生 who enter 威尼斯官网在线 for the first time in:

    • Grade 6 will complete → 75 hours for graduation
    • Grade 7 will complete → 65 hours for graduation
    • Grade 8 will complete → 55 hours for graduation
    • Grade 9 will complete → 45 hours for graduation
    • Grade 10 will complete → 35 hours for graduation
    • Grade 11 will complete → 20 hours for graduation
    • Grade 12 will complete → 10 hours for graduation
  3. 学生 complete the service-learning requirement through:

    • Full participation in the SSL aspects and successful completion of specific middle school and high school courses. (六年级科学, 七年级英语, 八年级社会学科, 商品的国家, 州和地方政府, 卫生及卫生局, and specific high school electives identified in the 威尼斯官网在线 课程公告);

    • Full participation in service activities promoted by school-sponsored clubs and organizations; and

    • Full participation in opportunities and organizations that meet 威尼斯官网在线 SSL guidelines:

  4. All service learning must be performed with a nonprofit tax-exempt organization.

  5. Assisted-living facilities and nursing homes are the only exception to the nonprofit rule. 学生 interested in earning SSL hours at these facilities must submit 威尼斯官网在线表格560-50, Individual 学生服务学习 (SSL) Request, in advance of the service.

  6. One SSL hour is awarded for every hour of service outside of the instructional day. A maximum of 8 SSL hours may be earned in a 24-hour period.

  7. All service-learning activities must be secular in nature, occur in a public place and be supervised by a nonprofit organization adult representative. 父母 or relatives cannot serve as supervisors for their child or relative.

  8. Hours served with nonprofit organizations prior to enrollment in 威尼斯官网在线 in middle or high school must be submitted on official letterhead for inclusion in 威尼斯官网在线 records.

  9. 威尼斯官网在线表格560-50, Individual 学生服务学习 (SSL) Request, must be submitted in advance of any service with an individual running for public office.

  10. 所有的服务学习都必须记录下来 威尼斯官网在线表格560-51, 学生服务学习 Activity Verification. All documentation must be turned in to the SSL coordinator according to timelines:

    服务时间框架 文件截止日期
    服务在夏季完成 九月的最后一个星期五
    服务在夏季完成 and 1st semester 一月的第一个星期五
    服务在夏季完成, 1st semester, and 2nd semester 六月的第一个星期五

    All SSL 形式 for service completed any time during the current school year and the summer before the current school year are 要求 to be submitted to the school SSL coordinator no later than the 六月的第一个星期五.

  11. Appeals of SSL decisions may be made by students in writing to the school administrator.

  12. 学生 interested in earning SSL hours by supporting political parties or individuals running for public office must first secure approval of 威尼斯官网在线表格560-50, Individual 学生服务学习 Request.  Neither door-to-door neighborhood canvassing nor solicitation of financial donations are permitted for SSL hours.


  • 威尼斯官网在线 SSL information is provided via SSL coordinators in all middle and high schools.

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